Why hire an NKBA Certified Designer?

Choosing the right design professional is an important decision for your project’s success. By selecting an NKBA-certified designer, you will be working with a professional who:

When hiring a professional to work on your dream kitchen or bath, be sure to look for the NKBA certified or member logo.

NKBA Certifications

The premiere hallmark for kitchen and bath professionals, NKBA Certification is based on in-depth testing and extensive industry experience. NKBA certified designers must also meet annual continuing education requirements.
The NKBA certifies kitchen and bath design professionals in various stages of expertise:

AKBD logoAKBD® - Associate Kitchen and Bath Designer

Certified professional with a minimum of 2 years of kitchen/bath industry experience – they are knowledgeable in product selection, space planning, materials, and finishes. An AKBD must meet specific educational requirements, as well as pass a comprehensive academic exam.

CKD logoCKD® - Certified Kitchen Designers

Have a minimum of 7 years experience designing residential kitchen spaces. They are highly skilled in design, space planning and product selection and have extensive knowledge of building codes, flooring materials, appliances, and mechanical systems. They write specifications and draw plans that are easily interpreted by plumbers, electricians, and installers. A CKD must meet specific educational requirements and pass a comprehensive academic and practical exam.